These Laura Mercier Paint Wash Liquid Lip Colours Are NOT Quick-Drying…Which in This Case Is Good! - Makeup and Beauty Blog

Um…but of course I couldn't leave Sephora last dark without grabbing at least some swatches. Y'all know me all too well. 🙂
As I was making my usual rounds at the store down the street (I e'er start in the left corner by the front door and then meander counter-clockwise), Laura Mercier's Painted Wash Liquid Lip Colours ($28 each) stopped me in my ASPCA Vans.
Bonjour, Laura! J'adore bright lipsticks.

Laura's new line of lightweight liquid lipsticks is available now in 9 vivid, deme-matte shades — Rosewood (a rosy brown), Petal Pink (a warm pink), Ruddy Brick (reddish brown), Coral Reef (a pinkish coral), Vermillion Red (an orangey ruby-red), Gold Peach (a pale keen pink), Fuchsia Mauve (a plum), Nude Rose (a pinkish dark-brown) and Orchid Pink (a reddish pinkish).

And so I walked effectually the store for nearly xxx minutes with the swatches on my arm trying to play it cool as I shopped around, just what I was really doing was seeing if the swatches would move at all once they dried.
That, and I couldn't decide between Coral Reef and Nude Rose…
Y'all know how subsequently a few minutes some liquid lipsticks won't rub off? Like the Make Upwardly For Ever ones, I swear, they could hands stay on my pare for days. Nevertheless, those kinds of liquid lipsticks can be pretty drying on my lips, so I wanted to see if Laura's would scoot effectually at all on my arm, which in this example would accept been a good affair.
They did! I rubbed my fingers on the swatches, and the formula still felt a little wet. The swatches likewise came off easily with a regular makeup remover when I got habitation (didn't need an oil-based ane), then I don't think these lipsticks volition be too terribly drying.
I concluded up not being able to decide on a color, though, so I left the store without bringing one home. I'm going to sleep on information technology another night, and then we'll meet… That'due south what I practise sometimes. If I still desire 1 tomorrow, I'll go back.
You lot can discover all nine of Laura's $28 Painted Wash Liquid Lip Colours at present at Laura Mercier counters, Sephora stores and online.
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
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