Thou Art My God and I Will Praise Thee


Ok, I am very cautiously stating we may of found a church building.  Information technology is a very pocket-size church.  The pastor is bi-vocational  and is also a hospice chaplain.  50 specially enjoyed "Child'south Korner".  Where the pastor calls all the children to the front and sits down with them and talks with them and does an object lesson.  50 has referred dorsum to the lesson several times this week.  He felt comfortable enough to beg me to become to children'due south church downstairs.

We had several people come upwards to united states and shake our easily and greet us with a smile and a good morning.  Information technology was very refreshing to be greeting so warmly.  The pastor preached about restoring the soul.  He information technology was very adept.  He spoke of conservancy, Jesus, heaven and hell, still no affair your spiritual maturity there was something in the lesson for everyone.  We are going to become back this coming Sun.  Then if we all the same experience as if the search is over nosotros volition attend Sunday School.   At that place were some things that were new to us and some things that made u.s.a. experience right at home.

One of the things about moving is finding a new church family.  Choosing a church is literally choosing a new extended family unit.  My darling and I have truly found out a lot about ourselves from looking for a new church.

We accept been in our new city for well-nigh a month.  Nosotros take visited 2 churches and 1 of those we visited twice.  We have come to realize we are very old fashioned, also nosotros were very loved and spoiled past our church family of the last seven years.

Churches in this larger city are so unlike than what we are used to.  In no mode practise I intend to disrespect or offend anyone who goes to a more modernistic church.  I truly believe nosotros all have a personal relationship with the Male parent and my relationship is not going to be like your relationship.  Your worship is non going to be like my worship.  Just like I approach and chronicle to each of my children differently, God the Father does the same thing with each of us.  None of us are the same.  The first church was very large, and they dimmed the lights and it seemed more like a stage bear witness.  The music, which was very good was then loud!  Not ane person spoke to united states of america other than the admirer who ushered united states in to show us our seats.  There are no invitation or alter call.  No dismissal prayer, the band sang a song and said see ya next week.  The pastor spoke of Jesus I think.  I really don't know what he said.  All the flash from the phase and lights distracted me.  Very sterile.  No fuss no muss.

The second church, had no Sunday schoolhouse.  They are starting minor group studies in peoples homes on different days to have the place of Lord's day school.  Darling was told when he asked at school, that a lot of churches no longer call Sunday schoolhouse, Sunday school considering the term "schoolhouse" turns away the younger adults.  Actually?  We went 2 Sundays because we weren't sure almost this 1.  This pastor preached about service the 2nd Sunday, he talked about how Nehemiah has served the king and and so left the king to rebuild the temple.  He said when you practice the work of the Lord there is always risk.  I took exception to this. Permit me explain why.  God's plans are set in concrete.  He doesn't need the states to complete them.  His plans are perfect.  If we are following Him and being obedient, nosotros may not always encounter how things are going to work out, but I promise y'all God has a plan and he will bring you to a good terminate. Romans 8:28 says And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been chosen according to his purpose.  He did not mention once the many times Jesus beingness the ultimate example served.  How he commanded we serve 1 another.  Instead he talked about the mortgage on the new edifice and how much everyone was going to take to give to make the bills.  No cross.  No salvation.  Oh, he did talk about following Jesus, simply non one time did he utter the word sin.  No confess your sins.  No mention of we are all sinners.  If I was sitting in that pew and had been lost and needing salvation, I would withal be lost.

And over again, no alter call.  Not fifty-fifty meet me up front to pray with you.  Just a big smile and a "See ya next week!"  Nope.  You won't.

So now we are lost in the large metropolis looking for a new dwelling house and new family unit.  I accept been told that churches are now doing the in home pocket-sized groups to save space on Dominicus mornings.  Ok, I call up I can alive with that.  Although, as a company coming in I am non sure how comfortable I am with no Sunday Schoolhouse (SS).  SS is where I developed my closest relationships and really got to know people and bond with them.  The final 2 places we were but a face in the oversupply.  The preacher at one church even interrupted while nosotros were signing L in to go to children's church and didn't even smiling at us say proficient morn, how are you.  Zippo.  Merely a confront. Invisible in a sea of faces.

Church is where I go to be loved and to love and serve others.  I desire more a passing connection on Sun morn.  We are all the body of Christ and we are to fellowship with ane another.  How can I fellowship if I don't even know your proper name.  By the mode, it is also out of vogue to have a few minutes of greeting.  You know when the Pastor says "Permit'south get around and shake each other's hands"  Again. Sterile Worship.  I DON'T Desire STERILE!  I want to know and experience the cede Jesus fabricated when he died for me!  I want a Pastor who is going to tell me what God has laid on his heart even if it steps on some toes!  I desire to know well-nigh the streets of gold in heaven and the fires of hell because those things are existent!    I want to be able to go to the alter and pour my heart out when the Spirit touches me!  I desire to know when I am on my knees and my face is wet with tears my brothers and sisters in Christ are in that location with me, they love me and Practice NOT approximate me or want to gossip about "Wonder what was going on with her! Did you run into her at the alter?  Must be something really messed up!"  NO! I want to feel the arm of someone who loves me and loves Christ, around me and crying out to God with me.  In identify of an alter call, they now have prayer cards in the pew.  Make full information technology out and drop it in the saucepan on your mode out the door and someone will get back to you.

I am all for modern.  I do not believe that traditional is the only way to go.  Even some traditional services are cold and sterile.  Information technology is the people in the church.  Do they mind to the voice of God?  Practise they human activity when they feel the tug of the Holy Spirit on their centre?  Does the Pastor get emotional?  Nosotros are talking about people's lives and the wages of sin and eternity in hell!  We are talking most an perfect love given freely.  The claret of Christ as he died for me!  He suffered, he was tortured all because he wanted for no one to perish.  He wanted united states of america all to take salvation.  What could exist more beautiful and messy than that!  If y'all tin can't go emotional most that you lot are made of stone!

I guess we were very very spoiled at Freedom Baptist in Columbia MO.  The moment you walk in you lot are treated like family and they love on you. So if you are looking for the love of God and the compassion from a group of sinners who are trying to live right and merely want to share their love of God with you, I advise you go at that place.  To me they are an oasis in the desert.  I can't believe they are the only church similar that.  Darling and I will keep looking and God is going to atomic number 82 us to where nosotros are supposed to be, this I know.

Hopefully very soon I will have an entry here telling how we accept found just the identify for us to be.  🙂

Today during my quiet time with God I was brought to a set of passages that I have read a hundred times before.  The Father showed it to me in new light this morning time.  Matthew 6:25-34.  These familiar scriptures Jesus southward telling united states of america non to worry.  We are non to worry nigh what we volition eat, drinkable or wear.  We are more precious to the Father than birds and lavender-1537694he provides for them all they need.  Jesus specifically spoke about clothing in poesy 28-30.  Being the girl that I am it struck a special cord with me.  U.s.a. girls always worry about what to habiliment.  Since our income has depleted to nigh 1/4 of what it was earlier, the enemy has actually been working my brain worrying about how volition take care of everything.  I have forgotten the greatest part of our risk is the relying on God the Begetter to provide for us, just as he always has.  We certainly take been spoiled being able to eat out whenever I don't experience like cooking.  If I desire something I could just go to the store and get it, without thought.  Now we have to budget and get use to making due.  The modern conveniences take certainly spoiled us to the betoken we take forgotten to rely on God and that all we will ever demand will come from Him.  We fall into the trap of the earth that says nosotrosneed more to exist more.  We become frustrated and sometimes angry if we tin can't go our WiFi to connect or if we take to really wait in line.  Nosotros want it all at our fingertips and nosotros want information technology Now.  We become conditioned not to turn to God, and we believe if we just have the newest, latest gadget or if nosotros can go faster or do more, or spend more we will exist happy.  God the Begetter has a better plan.  With God all we need is provided, more than the material things of the world, but the spiritual nourishment we can't get with our gadgets and engineering science.  The peace provided to us by an abundant beloved given freely by Jesus is worth more than than any designer name purse.   All the new wearing apparel or jewels will not save me.  Only Christ tin requite my heart rest.  These things are always like shooting fish in a barrel when at that place is coin in the bank.  And so, the question and so becomes as fourth dimension goes by and our savings starts to dwindle more due to the decrease in income how will we handle it.  I desire to fully cling to hope fabricated in the passages I read this morning.   I want to teach L to lean on God more than and that nosotros don't have to buy something EVERY fourth dimension we go to the shop.  These are not always easy lessons for a 7 twelvemonth old to grasp, specially later on living the get-go vii years of his life non having want for anything, while living with indulgent grandparents.

Tomorrow nosotros are going to visit another church.  Nosotros were then spoiled by our previous church.  They loved united states of america and nosotros loved them tremendously.  At that place are days I feel so afloat with the church to anchor me.  I know when we notice the right one we will know because it will experience like home.  I am excited and anxious to detect a new church.  The search can be daunting.  We will accept to run into what tomorrow morn brings.

O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I volition praise thy name; for thou hast washed wonderful things, thy counsels of onetime are faithfulness and truth. Isaiah 25:1

I have always known the daily 9-5 is not for me.  When I was a senior in high school I wanted to be house wife and raise a family and take care of my married man.  I quickly institute that housewifery does not pay the bills when the rent is due.

And then I put my dreams away and get a more pragmatic sort of person.  Responsible.  I found a profession, I didn't totally detest.  I even was moderately fair at it also.   While going to work everyday drove me crazy.  I prayed to God to give me adventure.  Well, now I have my take chances.  I am the latest recruit for the housewife brigade.  Which is non at all for the faint hearted!

My husband and I recently gave away half of everything we owned, and packed the 7 yr old and headed off for seminary.  Talk virtually chance!  We went from 1400 sq ft to 820 sq ft and i call back that'southward stretching it.  We are living on campus in an upstairs apartment.

This blog is an endeavour on my part to document life as nosotros know it.  We are not your typical family living in campus housing.  My darling is the student and he is 52 years erstwhile and I am 46.  We are raising our 7 year old grandson and I am homeschooling him.

I am not sure where God is leading u.s..  I only know this is where he has sent u.s. for now.  When Darling offset said he felt led to utilize for school I rolled my eyes.  For a long time I had prayed for God to send a fashion for me to make working for Him my vocation instead of the J-O-B I was at currently.  This was a total miss to my prayers!  The wires must have been crossed somewhere!  I wanted to be used, not stand in the background while God used my husband!  Had I non been clear with what I wanted God to do?

This was non my commencement God-spanking.  The times in life when God puts things right in front of yous to prove y'all that you are not the one in control.  It was at this point I learned a valuable lesson.  I AM Non IN CONTROL.  I dug into my bible and savage to my knees to pray and explain to God I wanted to exist used past Him.  All the time Darling is telling me how much he does not desire to go back to schoolhouse!  I thought are you crazy! I am sitting dying to exist used in such a way and He called yous!  The spiritual green eyed monster had showed up at my door.  I pleaded with God to utilise me.  To transport something to me.  Eventually the Father showed me He is using me.  He did ship me.  I am the support squad.  And so instead of being the star, my job is to back up my married man and take care of L.  I was led to one Corinthians 12:12-31.  Paul wrote the church at Corinth and explained we tin't all exercise the same affair.  We are i body.  The hand can not say today I want to be an center.  The Father has made usa each with special gifts and talents.  While I fabricated be proficient at one thing, that doesn't hateful that is what I should be doing.  The affair God has for me I will exist AMAZING at.  His plan for each of us is far greater than whatever programme I have for myself.  I am realizing that now.  Right now his program for me is to support Darling, and raise 50.  Who knows what I volition be doing later.  Whatever I do, equally long as I am obedient and follow His direction my life volition exist far better than anything I could ever dream.

So I take gone dorsum to where my mind set was when I was 18.  When I was a senior in high school I told people I wanted to exist a housewife when I graduated.  I was merely slightly joking.  Unfortunately, due to my own lack of organized religion and obedience that didn't happen.  When I was xviii and asked God what I should practise, He clearlysaid to me to follow Him and serve Him.  I wanted to be a pastor'southward wife, I wanted to be a missionary. These are the things he laid on my center.  I was to agape to say these things out loud to anyone.  Who would believe the One and Only God of the universe would transport me!  I was non anywhere good plenty.  I idea people would laugh at me.

Most people say they would not change their past no matter how painful because they wouldn't be the person they are today without all the hurting or problems.  Well, as usual I am not most people.  I would change things.  I would have obeyed God.  No matter how crazy.  Seriously what he laid on my heart was non any crazier than what he asked of Noah.  Imagine where I would be if I had obeyed.  Although I have also learned recently, God's will, will be done with or without me.

28 years later, I strive to only listen to His voice and not the vox in me that tells me I won't measure upwardly and people will express mirth.  He that is in me is greater than those in the world!

And so I prayed for an run a risk.  Now I have an take chances.  Hold on folks cause here we get!


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