Formula Vee Blueprints Plans Drawings

  1. #one

    cre93 is offline


    Default Formula car blueprints

    I'm new to open up wheel racing and would like to re invent the wheel so to speak. My question is does anyone have a set of blueprints for a FF or FC type chassis that I tin can purchase so I can build my own car?? I take checked the cyberspace and can't notice anything that would help. Delight electronic mail me with whatever information at This would exist a winter project for my son and I. We already have the fabrication tools and have done stockcar chassis stuff.

    Thank you, Dave

  2. #ii

    rickb99 is offline

    Contributing Member rickb99's Avatar


    Hmmm, I did the fabrications drawings for the semi-monocoque LeGrand D/SR in AutoCAD a few years back. But that won't help yous.

    When we strip 1 of our Reynards down to the chassis side by side winter, I intend to do that in AutoCAD (bold life remains semi-normal). But that'south a ways off for your plan.

    CREW for Jeff 89 Reynard or Flag & Comm.

  3. #3

    Larry is offline

    Contributing Member

    Default Do-it-yourself

    Before you undertake such a project, i would STRONGLY recommend that y'all develop a complete beak of materials, equally you'll find that it's cheaper to buy a used machine than build your own...much cheaper. If what you desire is the joy of building your own machine, then have at information technology, but if you're concerned most budget, simply buy a good car and strip information technology downward to the chassis. Virtually of 'em need it anyhow, and and then you tin can weld what had previously been brazed.

    BTW, near of the cars have plenty of brackets that are milled out of aluminum billet and other parts that are made from castings. I don't know what is involved in a stock car, only you can't become to NAPA and go a Hewland gearbox, Titan engine adapter or fifty-fifty LD-19 restriction calipers.

    Larry Oliver
    International Racing Products

  4. #four

    cre93 is offline



    The other choice I was looking at would be a "handbasket case" machine. Can't find ane of those reasonable either. LOL My son is a mechanical engineering student with a fabrication background and actually wants to encounter how much we tin practice on our own. We thought about a formula first but I really desire something a little bigger. Cheers for the responces and advice.


  5. #5

    Garey Guzman is offline

    Classifieds Super License Garey Guzman's Avatar

    Default Objective?

    When I was an Engineering science educatee, I wanted to build my own race machine too. From your post, it sounds similar the technical and fabrication cognition is there for you lot guys but the experience already possessed past Formula car designers isn't.

    As e'er, the primary determination for your course of action is your last goal. Do y'all guys want to build a car then work toward competing in the RunOffs? Or do yous want to build a auto together for fun/bonding and maybe practice an autocross, TT or some Regional races? Are you prepared to go through the Homologation procedure with SCCA?

    Successful Formula motorcar designers accept been at information technology for a while. While the cars look simple and yous already take some edifice feel, in that location are some unique design trade-offs that must be fabricated for this layout.

    I'd suggest getting a fairly recent car, interruption it down from an engineering perspective and see what improvements tin can be made if you guys fabricated something similar. (wheelbase, track, suspension geometry, aero, etc)

  6. #6

    rickjohnson356 is offline

    Senior Member rickjohnson356's Avatar

    Default Wher eis Jerry Freeman???

    Jerry has congenital/is building his own machine (FB) out of Huntsville or Birmingham AL.

    He tin can give you all kinds of data and opinions based on his perspective the past couple of years.

    Search this site, for his name and you should come across his postings about his projection. They are several of them and accept had lots of assist and advice from other members of this site.

    That volition give info to assistance make a better conclusion.

  7. #7

    jerry freeman is offline

    Senior Member


    Jerry Freeman (Huntsville, AL) is leaving for Memphis is 30 minutes to run the Sat. schoolhouse for testing and the Lord's day. Regional there this weekend. Probably going to rain Sabbatum. and then I don't know if I will come across the track or learn anything in the wet. Should be dry out Dominicus.

    I volition agree with the higher up mail service and what about people volition tell you on buying a used car. It is cheaper in the long run. The chassis and suspension a-arms are the cheapest matter on the auto. Information technology's the uprights, wheels, steering, fuel cell, motor, bulldoze railroad train, etc. that adds upward quick if y'all piece a car together. Information technology is also hard to find that stuff used. Some of it yeah merely not all of information technology. Chrome molly tubing is not that expensive.

    I advise buying a used car for all the parts. Then y'all can run into how information technology'due south been done from a professional manufacturer so sell the bare chassis and a-arms and purchase the tubing and build what yous want. The difficult parts are all basically the same and then that not actually role of the equation. The geometry is what I assume you want to be able to dictate.

    I would never discourage anyone from building there own car because I know how satisfying it is when it is washed. Even if you run last all the time information technology's still fun to run into your car on the rails running. I came from building and racing elevate cars sp don't allow the unlike type of racing bother yous. Information technology's still a car. You just have to brand it practise different thing that you can figure out.

    In that location are alot of skillful mail service on here that you can learn most of the thing yous demand to know. If y'all have a question the people on this site are usually pretty helpful even if it is negative don't get mad just try to learn from it.

    Good luck with whatever you lot decide to exercise.

    Jerry Freeman

  8. #viii

    jerry freeman is offline

    Senior Member


    Past the way, I take my machine on autocad but it's probaby not hte machine to go by but y'all can await at information technology if y'all want. Send me an e-mail address and I'll send you the drawing.


  9. #9

    DrJim is offline

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    Default Blueprint, build, drive

    You may desire you son to research the post-obit. Our students use all 3 in their formula and Baja projects.

    Check out the SAE Formula Machine programs at many universities where the students design, build and so compete with their cars.

    The real upshot is design from the tires in. A proficient chasis plan is essential to do it correct. Susprog3D from down under is well supported.

    A adept 3D design bundle is helpful along with FEA (finite element analysis)
    http://world wide

    On the other paw, you could buy a used car like I did and rebuild it "arrive better". Been at this for ovr a year and should get on the runway soon. Trust me, it has plenty of technology challenges, if you similar getting into the details. He better like to machine and weld - everything is fabricated to order or has to be fitted or modified to one'sliking.

    Hope this is a father son project. My daughter (a first class NASCAR engineer) and I share the Formula Ford feel. It a father/ girl bonding experience. Father pays the bills and daughter bonds with other drivers. This whole matter started out to get her seat time so she had some idea what the driver was experiencing.

    Wishing y'all well.


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