How to Make Table Tennis Rubber Tacky Again

Have good care of your paddle and make clean it every now so. Motorbus EmRatThich volition explain to yous a elementary mode to make your table tennis rubbers sticky over again.

How to Keep Your Paddle Sticky for a Long Time. They will help you save time and money in the long term.

Brand your Chinese rubbers tacky again

It's all-time to make clean your Hurricane 3 rubbers with only water after each use.

Chinese tacky rubbers
Chinese tacky rubbers

Use some h2o

Some drops of water should be on it. Put a protective canvass on top of it that isn't stuck to it. Press on it so that a few drops of water spread out evenly without bubbles, and the h2o is spread out evenly. At least 24 hours.

During this process, you would find how sticky information technology is.

If you practice this every time, your hurricane volition last for at least 6 months to 2 years at the most.

As a full general rule, make certain y'all make clean information technology with h2o and cloth but. Then, let information technology dry, then rub it on your arm until it feels tacky, and put information technology in your bat case.

Get rid of any dust

Make sure to rub it on your arm a few times during practice or gameplay to get rid of whatsoever dust or other things.

HK Junior National player with boosted Hurricane rubber on forehand
HK Junior National thespian with additional Hurricane rubber on the forehand

Works for me and is still very tacky. The non-adhesive sheet might assist a niggling, simply I don't retrieve information technology extends the life of the safe.

In the get-go, it was good for about a yr and a half or about two years. Then, it started to lose its grip and it was not adept enough for me to apply anymore, but it withal has enough grip.

Chinese rubber needs to maintain the tackiness
Chinese rubber needs to maintain the tackiness

The Chinese rubbers like TG Skyline 3, or Hurricane 3 are still as expert as new when it comes to grip. You should wash it every time you play. Then permit it dry, and rub it until it's tacky.

Use olive oil

It doesn't matter how you clean. You tin use lemon juice or olive oil to clean really dingy things.

Take a clammy cloth and wipe away whatsoever dried-out rubber. Then, put on your protective canvas right away, and leave it on overnight. Tomorrow, the condom volition be glutinous again.

A lot of olive oil tin make the paper fifty-fifty more gummy. Rub it on the topsheet and put a plastic sheet over it right away, equally soon as information technology is still wet. Exit for a few days. Condom will exist crazy tacky.

Plastic canvas

A plastic canvass actually helps a tacky rubber continue its grip. If you want, y'all can use any kind of plastic sheet you want.

Butterfly Chack Sheet
Butterfly Chack Sheet

It's not a practiced idea to add more oil to your rubbers if they're even so tacky, though. Add some oil if they start to lose their stickiness. This will make the prophylactic a little pasty again.

If I had to cull, I'd employ mineral oil instead of olive or vegetable oil.

Avoid as well much oil

Calculation a pocket-size amount of oil to the topsheet will help it become pasty over again. A sure corporeality of sponge will make the sponge a piddling more responsive for a few weeks. Just if yous use likewise much oil, the glue that holds the topsheet to the sponge can break downwardly, and then you get bubbles.

Seamoon Solubility Oil
Seamoon Solubility Oil

At that place are two ways to get this: You can put likewise much oil on either the height sheet or the sponge. If you do both, in that location is a greater chance of bubbles in the top sail.

Also, don't add also much oil too oft. More than once a month, afterwards a while, can brand the rubber stop working and make it weigh too much because of how much oil has been added.

In the long run, oil makes prophylactic oxidize faster and lose its flexibility more quickly, which makes information technology less durable. Because your rubber is already losing its grip, this is something to put on the pinnacle sheet of your safety. In that location is no need to do this if information technology's still working well enough.

Elevator the brawl with rubber's tackiness

I'one thousand using a Hurricane 3 commercial right now. DHS rubbers are known to lose their tackiness over time, just I was wondering if applying oil would make it sticky again. However, I tin nonetheless lift the ball almost seven cm into the air. My Chinese friend tried putting oil on his safe and it worked.

Tacky Chinese rubbers with Wang Liqin
Tacky Chinese rubbers with Wang Liqin

Look at the rubber of Wang Liqin.

Difference between Tackiness and Stickiness

They are not the aforementioned. The difference between the grip of rubber and its stickiness.

Grip (stickiness) refers to the prophylactic'due south ability to brand the brawl move (to spin the ball). When the safe stays in contact with a single point on the ball without slipping, this is called "stickiness."

Tackiness vs Stickiness of table tennis rubbers
Tackiness vs Stickiness of tabular array lawn tennis rubbers

When it comes to tackiness, on the other hand, the definition is a piddling chip more specific. In this case, information technology refers to how well the prophylactic can stick to the ball. To see how mucilaginous your bat's rubber is, put the ball on it and concur it upside downwardly to see how long the rubber tin can hold information technology without letting go.

The dust on the Chinese rubber
The dust on the Chinese rubber

Chinese rubbers are well-known for their tackiness.

How to bank check the prophylactic's stickiness

Starting time, you need to figure out how viscid your table tennis racket is.

How to restore tackiness of table tennis safe

Getting a piece of newspaper to practise this quickly is one style. Stick your paddle to the newspaper after y'all exercise that. Paddles should exist viscous enough to stay on the paper, only non so sticky that you can move them around while still having the newspaper on them. If you have a paddle that is pasty, you lot'll exist able to get a better grip on the ball when you play.

The more than grip you lot have, the faster and spinner your shots are.

How to maintain the prophylactic's stickiness?

You can make your rubbers more gummy by post-obit these steps:

01 Supplant the condom often

Information technology'southward not the all-time thing to do, but you should call back about this. It'southward easy to change the rubber on your paddle, and it doesn't take long. There are a lot of people who keep their paddles for besides long, which makes them less sticky over time.

Without the grip you can't use the rubber
Without the grip you can't apply the rubber

If your paddle is old, you lot should get a new i. This is what you should practise. Notwithstanding, if it's not old, you can just make clean the rubber.

The dominion of thumb is: If you lot play 2 times per week, and so y'all should supervene upon your rubbers ii times per year. If y'all play 3 times per week, so yous should replace your rubbers three times per twelvemonth.

Just for me, it's non necessary. I merely clean the condom. And it works.

02 Employ sunflower oil

A way to make the paddle more than sticky is to buy a brush like the i that painters employ.

Dip a brush into the oil
Dip a castor into the oil

Sunflower oil will be used next. Let it dry, then do it again a few times until you get the correct amount of stickiness. As long as yous want to do this, you can!

03 Remove dust

This is another way to make your paddle sticky. You can make clean the paddle to brand it less slippery.

Clean the rubber surface
Clean the rubber surface

This will get all the grit and actress cloth off of your paddle, and it should bring dorsum some of the stickiness that it used to have.

Joola Turbo cleaner solution
Joola Turbo cleaner solution
Clean the rubber
Clean the rubber
Butterfly Spin Refresh
Butterfly Spin Refresh
Apply the foam on the rubber
Utilize the foam on the prophylactic

04 Use a plastic encompass

A cover can be used to protect your rubber when information technology's not in use. You tin buy a plastic cover that you can put on your safe when you're not playing. The paddle will stay clean considering of this.

Apply protect film
Employ protect film

One affair that makes your paddle non stick is to proceed it make clean. This is one of the best things you tin practice to avoid getting dirty.

05 Reglue your rubber

Gum can be used before your competition lucifer. Y'all can put on a thin layer of glue. If you do this, your paddle volition be more glutinous for your lucifer, and you lot will be able to play amend (due to more feeling on the paw).

Glue on the blade
Glue on the bract

Why rubber's stickiness is very important?

It's very important because, without stickiness, you lot can't impact the spin.

Make your paddle more gummy, and keeping it sticky is a crucial function. At that place are a lot of benefits to having a sticky paddle.

In that location are many benefits to having the right grip and stickiness, but one of them is that information technology will make the brawl spin more than. In this way, your opponent will have a difficult time playing back.

The new rubber is very grippy
The new rubber is very grippy

A viscous paddle likewise makes information technology easier for you to block spin shots that are fired at you. Information technology might be hard for yous to block the shots if the paddle isn't gluey enough. The ball will get into the cyberspace. It's time to detect the best table tennis racket for you.

Ping pong assurance can slide off the paddle when it isn't mucilaginous, which tin make them become where yous don't want them to. It will also make your return strokes less powerful.

Tips on How to wait after your table tennis bat

Coach EmRatThich explains some simple tips to maintain your racket. It'south the most important equipment in table lawn tennis.

1. Make sure the paddle is clean

Brand sure the paddle is make clean before you lot use information technology once more.

The first thing you lot need to do to make sure your paddle is sticky is to clean it frequently. Brand sure yous don't make clean information technology. If y'all don't, then y'all will have different bug with it.

Reglue the rubber
Reglue the condom

The paddle should be cleaned with make clean water, alcohol, or a cleaning agent that is approved past the visitor that makes it. When the paddle is dry, you can put it outside to dry out.

Apply the cleaner
Apply the cleaner

You can do this to get whatever dust off of the condom of the paddle and brand information technology more viscous.

2. Glue the rubber correctly

Second, utilize gum. Glue holds things together, and it tin help make your paddle viscous. Putting glue on the paddle is one of the most common ways to make paddles that stick improve. It is used by both amateur and professional players.

Let the glue dry
Let the mucilage dry

You should detect strong and thick glue. It'due south ameliorate than a sparse and weak glue.

3. Use oil

If you desire to make the paddle more sticky, you lot could brush it with oil. I of the best oils to apply is sunflower oil. Users say that rubbing the oil on the surface has made the paddles more sticky.

Put the oil on the rubber
Put the oil on the rubber

Put a small corporeality of the foam on the condom and let it dry.

It makes your paddle look better and work better, so it's worth it. Fifty-fifty though it isn't used by many professionals, it is still very good at what information technology does.

Improve the grip of the rubber - letting the oil dry
Better the grip of the prophylactic – letting the oil dry

4. Use a protector film

A paddle that is cleaned of grit and stains is going to exist more sticky. Notwithstanding, there is another way to make the stickiness last longer. You can get a protective film to do this.

JOOLA Rubber Protection Foil
JOOLA Rubber Protection Foil

The film might be bigger than the surface of the rubber, so it volition need to be cut. This isn't a bad thing. Information technology volition help to protect the rubber'south edge and keep the paddle sticky for a long time.

5. Use boosters

Boosters also work well. Nonetheless, if y'all're just playing for fun, you can have a lot of fun with a tuner. In order to use boosters, y'all put them on the condom and let them dry out for nearly a day.

Falco Long Term Table Tennis Rubber Booster (25ml)
Falco Long Term Table Lawn tennis Rubber Booster (25ml)

You can apply it once again after a day and expect twelve hours before playing with the paddle. This volition take even more of an effect.

You should look at a paddle that is very sticky.

6. Utilize a cleaner

In guild to clean the rubber'due south surface, apply a cleaner.

JOOLA Cleaner Sponge
JOOLA Cleaner Sponge

You lot should purchase a high-quality cleaning solution and use it correctly on the paddle. Some people utilise toothbrushes to clean the paddle, simply this isn't a good idea because it can scratch the rubber and make information technology look bad.

Table Tennis Racket Care with Butterfly Spin Refresh
Table Tennis Racket Care with Butterfly Spin Refresh

Search for Butterfly Spin Refresher. Butterfly is a well-known make in the ping pong intendance supplies market. The Care Kit from the make is i of the all-time ways to take care of your paddles.

7. Alter the Rubber

The safety that comes with your paddle will wear down over time, no matter what you practise. For this reason, y'all might need to buy a new condom to supersede the one that is broken or less sticky. However, as we take said, taking care of and cleaning your paddle will assistance it last as long as possible.

Clean the rubber
Clean the rubber

When you modify the prophylactic, cull a prophylactic that works well with how you play.

In that location are a lot of things you can do, and each 1 has its ain advantages. Choose the best forehand rubber and the all-time backhand rubbers. They are non the same.


As a good player, it's of import to keep the prophylactic on your paddle every bit gummy as possible. Information technology will be very difficult for you to get enough spin on the ball if the paddle isn't sticky considering of dust or something else.

A ping pong paddle tin can be made sticky past following these tips. Remember, the tackiness will help you spin more. Keep your paddle as clean equally possible.

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